I have a question about salary system in netherlands, I am a single mother how much neto will I get if I have salary of 1750 Euro per month.
What table do y call it ?
Please reply soon
kind regards
Hi Sonia, it is true that you reduction get of the payments. You can ask dit by the belastingdienst, 0800-0543. i am also a single mother, and i get every month 300 euro back, because i worked. Sorry for my bad englisch, i speak it better than i can wrote it. You must fill in your werkgeversverklaring, tariefgroep 2. If you can't live from the salaris this your you can get to the gemeente in your town. For specially cases the will give a refill to your salary. i hoped that i have helped you and that you can follow my story i wrote.
kind regards, rene
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